Monday, July 28, 2008

Rest In Peace Lilly

Sad news. Friday July 25, 2008 I lost a dear friend. Lilly was 15 years old and had been with me since she was a kitten. It all started one New Years Eve, when Michelle, Shannon and I were house sitting for Jeanette. She said "Don't let Natasha get out, she's in heat." Well, she did get out. Several months later 3 kittens were born. A white one, a silver one, and a black one. That little black kitty came home with me and I named her Lilly.
We've had one crazy journey together. She's lived in several places with me. Her sister Zora came to live with us 2 years later. For a brief period of time she had a dog brother named Epi Thatcher, a golden retriever. For the last 4 years she's had a dog sister, Sachi Valdez, the chihuahua.
She was a wonderful cat, she never bit or scratched anyone. She loved to hang out when people were over. She was a daredevil and a climber. She loved to lay on the railing over the stairway, never afraid she was going to miss as she jumped up. She had amazing balance. She loved to always be underfoot and getting into anything and everything. Lilly certainly made sure she was always noticed.
My heart aches and I miss her terribly. The house is certainly a lot less active since she is missing.


Melissa said...

What a beautiful girl! So sorry about your's hard when they leave. Been there many times.

dreamsbookstea said...

Thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate the sentiment.